New Beginnings Doula Training

New Beginnings Doula Training
Courses for doulas and online childbirth education

Friday, May 13, 2011

Happy Traumatic birth story?!:)

I'm not sure how to describe this birth story I found, but I loved it and it was written in such an easy to read makes the experience seem funny, hard, and worth, yet it could be a very traumatic experience also.   The way this author tells it, though, it doesn't see like it is...anyways  enough of's the story...

Here’s the down low on my experience.
1. Water breaks. On the couch. Which reminds me…
2. I think that heading to the Farmer’s Market for a few last minute items=a good idea.
3. Water REALLY breaks at Farmer’s Market. Which reminds me…
4. Then nothing much for four or five hours and then some huge* contractions for the next four or five hours.
A note on contractions: Holy $#(@! What the &*@#?? Seriously? &*(#^$(@#Q@#@(%!!@&$)(#%. Ok. I’m ok.
5. Enter midwife.
M: Your cervix is at a “1″.
K: Ha ha. You mean like it’s Number One?
M: No. Like 1 cm. As in, you still have 9 more to go.
K: (See note on contractions.)
6. Three hours later, I’m ready to go. That’s right. One to Ten in three hours.  I’m like, in the 99th percentile for cervix opening.
7. Push. Push. Push. (See note on contractions.)
8. Done, awesome. Lovely, perfect, most handsome boy Finn Vincent slides out at 6:55 AM, April 14th.
Stats: 7 lbs. 7 oz. 19.5 inches long. It’s the most awesomest thing I have ever done. And I’ve been to a lot of neat places, and done many awesome things. Still, it’s the Most Awesome. He is, evidently NOT in the 90-something percentile for size, but he is in the 100th percentile of being mine.
Ok, so here’s where it gets a little dicey.
9. An hour later a Freak Occurrence: I develop a hematoma (I was in the 99th percentile of hematoma size, which is two grapefruits!) because I tore an artery in the inter-pelvic space between the birth canal and my hip. Weird, right? After receiving excellent care from my home birthing team who is puzzled by my blood loss (hematoma burst) yet Perfect Blood Pressure (seriously, I had lost more than a liter of blood at still had 120/70 blood pressure…let’s hear it for health!) I was transported to the hospital. Had two surgeries, one blood transfusion, and I’m feeling SO much better now!
A lil’ note on me: I decided when I woke up in recovery, that I would NOT view my situation as anything less than as it needed to be. While in a hazy fog I decided that I would be thankful in that moment for being flat on my back — a sensation I had come to miss while prego. Also, my husband and baby were waiting for me in my room, where the hospital let them move in and stay with me. My also super-friend-lactation expert met me 5 minutes after recovery, where she had the babe latched on in less than a few minutes. He’s in the 99th percentile of eating. Come to think of it, so am I.
Another side note: I think breastfeeding is awesome. I’m playing will all the positions and all the methods used by Hunter-Gathering populations (where they nurse for 3-5 minutes every 15-20 minutes) as well as the developed nations’ methods of feeding for longer, less often. It’s fun.
They said it would be 5-7 days before I could go home.
I was healing well in 2 days, had refused all morphine and pain meds, so they let me go home on day three. (Let’s hear it for health!)
I couldn’t walk when I came home. Wow. That was a big one for me.
They said it would be 12 weeks before I would be out walking.
I took my first walk (14 minutes) on Day 3 of being home.
I can now walk 40 minutes (slower than normal) and do so every day.
Finn has been cuddled or carried every moment of his life so far. We are practicing with different techniques and apparatuses. (Why is the plural of apparatus apparatuses and not apparati? Language seriously bugs me sometimes.) I am enjoying wearing him and no, we don’t have a stroller, which freaks people out. Which is fair, cuz there are a lot of things people do that freak me out, so we’re even.
Here he is:
Moral of the story: I, despite making excellent beans and cornbread and knowing how to ride a horse, would have been the robust pioneer woman who didn’t make it through child birth. But, thanks to my fast acting team and some great surgeons, I’m typing a blog a week and a half later.
Another moral of the story: Striving for excellent physical health can not only help you have an excellent delivery, but can also significantly impact your recovery should you have an outcome you weren’t (or were) expecting.
Looking forward to getting back to it…with modifications. Wow, it’s a lot of work! Kudos to every mom and dad out there. You are in the 99th percentile of parenting. (What the HECK is all the percentile business about, anyway. If I ever use the word “percentile” seriously, you can pour a glass of water over my head. Geesh.)
*Huge contractions have been modified to “tiny” contractions after finishing the course.

I've also been looking at this story according to Maslow's theory.  I find it interesting that here was a lady that had a pretty traumatic experience, and yet I felt like she was able to have all her needs met and ended up feeling good about the whole thing.

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Birth is a Journey: Does it have to be life changing?

  • One woman might have to climb on an overfilled boat, risking her life and nearly dying as she escapes over the ocean to come to this land. This experience could certainly be life altering. It may very well color the rest of her life, positively or negatively. (I overcame this amazing struggle and here I am triumphant! OR Holy crap, that was SO hard I don’t know if I can go on! By the way, neither response is “right”. No one would judge the woman with the 2nd response.)
  • One woman may buy an airplane ticket, sit on a comfortable 747 and fly to America with a nice smooth flight and landing. She is happy to be in America. Those welcoming her are glad she is here safe and sound. She may only travel by plane 2-4 times in her life, so it is pretty memorable. But the journey itself probably wouldn’t be life changing; it would simply be a journey.
  • One woman may learn to fly an ultra-light plane to lead a flock of geese into America teaching them to migrate. This experience could certainly be empowering and life altering.