New Beginnings Doula Training

New Beginnings Doula Training
Courses for doulas and online childbirth education

Saturday, August 20, 2011

animosity in healthcare among the birth community

This was from a list serve I belong to and wanted to pass it on. I feel like the birthing community does get into this us vs them mentality(me included), and I wanted to do my part in trying to overcome this(particularly after working through my own feelings with the last birth I was at:)) I would love to be able to work with the medical profession better as a doula. I think a lot of it comes down to getting to know and trust each other. But even when I worked as a nurse, there was a certain amount of distrust between me and the doctors because of how I practiced. I would love to hear others thoughts on this.

"I have a discussion question regarding some things that have come up in
the last couple of weeks.

How can we as midwives and student midwives not perpetuate the US vs.
THEM mentality when it comes to interacting with and talking with other
birth health care providers, specifically OB/Gyns?

I have very good friends who are doctors and medical students, good kind
people, who birthed with midwives, or whose wives birthed their children
with midwives. And yet, when I speak with them about birth stuff, I go
one the defensive, I try to prove my "case" as right, I try to convince
them. And I have some animosity that is not part of my real
relationships with these good friends of many years.

I have felt very much an undercurrent of THOSE doctors in much material
from midwives, doulas, and birth educators. I am working very hard to
overcome my own animosity, because I believe that they are doing what
they either believe to be right, or in some cases are constrained, right
or wrong, because of their standard of practice, malpractice insurance,
or ACOG guidelines, or all three.

Help me figure out ways to stem the animosity. If we want to make
changes and be perceived as professional in the greater health care
arena, part of our efforts should be about civility in public and
private discussion. Would love a discussion along these lines--I think
it's important and is relevant at this time."

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Birth is a Journey: Does it have to be life changing?

  • One woman might have to climb on an overfilled boat, risking her life and nearly dying as she escapes over the ocean to come to this land. This experience could certainly be life altering. It may very well color the rest of her life, positively or negatively. (I overcame this amazing struggle and here I am triumphant! OR Holy crap, that was SO hard I don’t know if I can go on! By the way, neither response is “right”. No one would judge the woman with the 2nd response.)
  • One woman may buy an airplane ticket, sit on a comfortable 747 and fly to America with a nice smooth flight and landing. She is happy to be in America. Those welcoming her are glad she is here safe and sound. She may only travel by plane 2-4 times in her life, so it is pretty memorable. But the journey itself probably wouldn’t be life changing; it would simply be a journey.
  • One woman may learn to fly an ultra-light plane to lead a flock of geese into America teaching them to migrate. This experience could certainly be empowering and life altering.