New Beginnings Doula Training

New Beginnings Doula Training
Courses for doulas and online childbirth education

Monday, December 20, 2010

A doula in provo-another stepping stone

So I've decided to do it...I am wanting to focus more exclusively on just providing labor support. It's been an interesting journey for that I don't think is really over.

When I first went into nursing, I really had no idea that I would love labor and delivery. Even after the birth of my first two children, I had no clue that I would be pulled to do this. And I was pulled...I have felt like this has almost become a calling for me in many ways. And my love for new moms and babies has grown so deeply. When I applied for the labor and delivery job I have now, I knew it was where I was supposed to be. But it's now time to move on.

Now December will be the last month I work for the hospital system I am working with. I am just about finished with my doula certification and I've felt like this is where I need to go now. But I feel like this is just another stepping something much more.

I have aspirations for becoming a midwife, but these stepping stones are something much more. By serving women, I have learned to love. I have learned to cry. I have learned to be amazed. All these things I have brought with me where will this next stepping stone lead me. Who will I become now? For sure a better mom and woman...hopefully a little bit less selfish and more humble. These are all stepping stones we take, no matter what profession we have or who we are.

I have an image in my head of a wonderful loving woman who looks at me with a heart full of kindness and a desire to see me find joy. This is the woman I hope to be at the end of my life...and these stepping stones are just ways for me to find her. But for now I'll be a doula in Provo. And for anyone who is looking forward to a new little one and is in my area...I would love to be privileged to help you with your stepping stone in your journey to motherhood.

1 comment:

Enjoy Birth said...

That is wonderful news to moms in Provo! :) Good for you for following your heart!

Birth is a Journey: Does it have to be life changing?

  • One woman might have to climb on an overfilled boat, risking her life and nearly dying as she escapes over the ocean to come to this land. This experience could certainly be life altering. It may very well color the rest of her life, positively or negatively. (I overcame this amazing struggle and here I am triumphant! OR Holy crap, that was SO hard I don’t know if I can go on! By the way, neither response is “right”. No one would judge the woman with the 2nd response.)
  • One woman may buy an airplane ticket, sit on a comfortable 747 and fly to America with a nice smooth flight and landing. She is happy to be in America. Those welcoming her are glad she is here safe and sound. She may only travel by plane 2-4 times in her life, so it is pretty memorable. But the journey itself probably wouldn’t be life changing; it would simply be a journey.
  • One woman may learn to fly an ultra-light plane to lead a flock of geese into America teaching them to migrate. This experience could certainly be empowering and life altering.